Sidedoor Online
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So, you've finally made it to our Sidedoor website...

Sidedoor is a Youth Church that is different from a Youth Group
because it has a Youth Style Service every week and
has many Teens are involved in whats happening.
We were born about 3 years ago, we have a passion for God that keeps us going forward -
as you look through this site you can see what we're doing,
and some of the awesome things that God's got planned for us.... stay tuned!


A big project that Sidedoor is involved in at the mo is the renovations of an old hall which is now the Sidedoor CAF - we will use it for outreaches and so that our friends can find out about God by us chatting with them in a relaxed enviroment that will include lots of music, coke, food and tonnes of fun of course! We've spent a lot of time in the summer painting and building but there is still a bit more to be done so get some old clothes on and get set to work!

Go to the CAF site:

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2 contact Sidedoor...

We would loveto hear what the outside world think of our crazy Sidedoor Website....

If you want to contact us about anything or ask questions or whatever you dandy well feel like then drop us a line......

email sidedoor