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"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full"- John 10:10

Welcome earthlings to TheCAF™ online.... This is where you checkout to find out the latest on wazzup @ the CAF

Feel free to cruise around this site - we're in the know so come on reguarly for updates and cooler stuff....

Part of the CAF wall
nicely painted by us!


Wazzup@ the CAF

Well, hot off the press, we've just been giving the old CAF a jolly 
good spring clean
which should last us for a while.
Also, our friendly roofers have
done the roof- Hooray for the roofers!
(leaving behind them a thick layer of black stuff over everything!)

We've got new lights now coz the Sparkies came in last week and we've started
some undercoat painting. Come and help (most saturdays from now on).
Thanks to the big guy doing the plastering in the kitchen when
no one else sees - looks stunning!
We've done tonnes of painting and have put up the jib board around the toilets
so everything is fine and dandy.

If you have any donations of old (or new) things
you reckon would fit right into the CAF then feel free to drop us a line
and let us know - it would be really appreciated.

So there you have it - more info coming here as soon as more happens there OK!

Click the CAF wall to go straight to the official CAF website!

The CAF©
